Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Rise of A New Kingdom

Land of Bakara played important role of Batak country (Tapanuli), as the centre of new Batak civilization order, under the Kingdom of King Sisingamangaraja I - XII since 16 century.

Sisingamangaraja Governance centered in Lumban Raja, Land of Bakara. The king build a kingdom form as federation based on the patterns of social and cultural life that has existed as the "primus interpares," the leader among leaders (raja oloan), the holder of supremacy among the Bius Kings, then in the land of Bakara, Raja Sisingamangaraja as the highest authority in the field of government and religion, so called his position as Raja the Reverend (Pagan Priest Kings).

Sisingamangaraja influence extends beyond the state covers an area of ​​Bakara. He serves to reconcile the dispute between huta,to abolish slavery (parhatobanan), prohibits
hostage (beangan) on humans in every village and he standardize size of the dose (solup). He maintains tradition and religion, create traditional law, moral, and organizing 
records and modern public administration (Archive Bakara), correspondence in the alphabet Batak (Surat Batak) and has the royal seal (Sahap ni Harajaon).

The structure of government in the State during the reign of King Sisingamangaraja as follows: 
1. Sisingamangaraja, as the supreme leader of federation goverment, create and validate a decision, supported by advisory boards, the Kings of Bius (Si Onom Ompu, the six King as representative of Bius).
2. King of Bius represent each village (district) and clans  of Bakara, Sinambela, Sihite, Simanulang, Simamora and Marbun.
3. Horja is a smaller community units of Bius,  consist of one or more village (huta), Lumban or Sosor. Horja also is the unity of the work of several adjacent Lumban, usually consisting of two or three Lumban, which is inhabited by descendants of the clan or sub clan.  Like: Horja Simamora, consisting of Lumban Manalu and Ancient Lumban whose territory adjacent to one unit horja (Marga Simamora consists of sub-clans: Purba, Manalu, and Debata Raja.  Horja Bakara, consisting of Lumban Dolok (Huta Ginjang), Lumban Tonga and Lumban Toruan (Lumban Sibabiat). Residents of horja voluntarily work together represent their district ready to deploy personnel and materials to assist the implementation of traditional ceremonies. 

There is also an expert in the field of agriculture and irrigation ceremony that is Parbaringin (Reverend Ceremony) and necromancer called Pande Bolon, and Raja ni Onan (chief of market) to assist the King in the administration system of community life. 

O Tano Batak (O Land of Batak)

Land of Bakara in Tano Batak (Foto, 2011)
Tao Toba (Lake Toba, Foto 2011)

This song lyric is presented of Batak to remind of their anchestral homeland, the land of origin Batak Tribe (Bona ni pasogit Bangso Batak) when they’re far away from there . 

O Tano Batak haholonganku,
sai namasihol do au, mulak tu ho.
Ndang olo modom, ndang nok matangku.
Sai namalungun do au, sai naeng tu ho.

Reff.: O Tano Batak sai naeng hutatap,
dapothononku tano hogodanganki
O Tano Batak andigan sahat,
Au on naeng mian di ho sambulon hi.

Molo dung binsar mataniari,
napanapuhon hauma disi.
Denggan do ngolu, si ganup ari.
Dinamaringan di ho, sambulon hi.

Kembali ke Reff.


O Land of Batak, which I love,
I always longed to go there.
Could not sleep, my eyes could not sleep.
It's always sad, always wanted to go there.

Reff:  O Land of Batak always wish I looked,
          I met my land of childhood
          O Land of Batak when it comes time,
          I stay there, in the land of my ancestors

When the sun rises,
illuminate the entire field there.
Everyday life continues to prosper.
For those who live there, in the land of my birth.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Toba Batak and Tapanuli

Land of Bakara is one of the Toba Batak tribe inhabitan.  Toba Batak is a sub tribe of Batak.  In addition to the Toba Batak, a sub tribe of Batak is Simalungun, Karo-Dairi and Mandailing Pakpak-Angkola.  Each sub-tribes inhabit certain areas, have customs, traditions, language, literacy and religion believe with its own characteristics, although there are similarities among each other.

Toba Batak have much in common in the indigenous culture and language with the Batak Simalungun. Between the Toba Batak and Batak Mandailing-Angkola have many similarities in the language.  What stood out the differences between the sub-tribe is a Batak Karo and the Batak Pakpak.

Toba Batak also sometimes called "Tapanuli", based on the geographical area where he lived, but now it's been rarely used. Especially with the expansion Tapanuli district into several districts with no name "Tapanuli" like Tobasa District (Toba Samosir), Humbahas (Humbang Hasundutan) causes the habit slowly fading.

Tapanuli derived from the word "tapian" and "nauli""Tapian" means water and "nauli" means a exquisite, beautiful, beautiful.  Tapanuli is the region around Lake Toba, has many springs, rivers and lakes. In the middle of Lake Toba Samosir Island and there in the middle there Samosir Island lake, named Lake Sidihoni.

Furthermore, if said Batak, it is identical to the Toba Batak. Today sub-tribe of Batak other more commonly referred to as the "person" or "tribe" Simalungun, Karo-Dairi or Mandailing Pakpak-Angkola because of the uniqueness and peculiarities of each. But when they are being away from his tribe some of whom identify as the Batak, citing tribal Batak Karo-Dairi Batak Pakpak or Batak Mandailing-Angkola to other parties.

Land of Bakara is one region that plays an important role and major in history, customs and traditions of Toba Batak.  Though the Batak mythology tells that the origin of Batak was Pusuk Buhit Mount,  Samosir, in which the first is a Batak village Sianjur Mulamula,
“mula ni uhum, mula ni bangso Batak (the beginning of rules, the origin of the Batak ethnic group)," but there is a tight linkage between them.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Name of "Bakara" Meaning

Bakara means “a shady place of peaceful residence”. This land of Bakara was named by a king named Raja Oloan, as the founder. Bakara then given as the name of his first son (from his second wife Siboru Pasaribu).  Bakara become a clan, known as “marga” is carried by his descendants. In Batak society, “marga” is a family name of a single ancestral lineage, and form a group of people who inhabit a village.

This name of "Bakara" is derived from the word "bangka" and “ra” in  Batak Toba language.  Bangka (Batak Toba dialect pronounced as “bakka”) means the notch in the wood, and “ra” means going to/will. In traditional societies to be able to climb trees like coconut trees by making a notch on the stem. With the notch it will be easier to above the tree and not slipping.  “Bangka” also notch wood that funcioned as ladder  into Batak's traditional dwelling house (ladder = balatuk, in Batak language). As "bangka" and “ra” the anchestor founder of land hope this place as a stage to enter a better life.

Bakara also is derived from the word "bangkar" and "ra"Bangkar in Batak Toba language means that hard skin on the palm tree branches down and wrapped around the fibers. In the land Bakara first (now only a little) there are many palm trees. One part of the palm tree fibers used for the roof of the house. The function of the roof as to protect and shade from the weather.

From both origins can be traced to the meaning of the word is the philosophy of the ancestors who began life in the region that is the expectation that the land has become the place to start settlements and bred, and the ideal protection to achieve the welfare level of life. Therefore, Bakara is "a hoping land for peace and safety place for home residence."