Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Aek Sipangolu (Water of Life)

Aek Sipangolu (Image 2011)
Aek Sipangolu is name of a waterfall in Bakara.  The water comes from a spring in the stone on the slopes of the mountains. The origin of this water thanks to the magic of King Sisingamangaraja. At that time the King on his way home from Manduamas-Barus toward Lumban Raja-Bakara to bring a white elephant (Gaja Puti). This is rare as a royal gift from his uncle name Raja Uti (King Uti). Due to long trips and hot sun, Gaja Puti arise dying of thirst, while water from Tao Toba is located far below of a steep mountain. The King Sisingamangaraja prayed to Ompu Mulajadi Na Bolon, then stick the spear Hujur Siringis to rock, and water gush out from the stone. Water is taken directly into the mouth so called (originally) as Binanga Bibir (Lips Spring), and referred to the history, the spring also called Aek Sipaulak Hosa (water release thirst).

Binanga Bibir  become known since about the 1950s, when a man after bathing in the water proved to recover and can walk again. Efficacy of water are scattered and many people use it as medicine to cure various diseases until now on. Because of the healing magic, the name known as Aek Sipangolu or water of life which is give healer.


  1. Dear writer,

    It's interested what you have described above. I was curious about your story t section: .....the King on his way home from Manduamas-Barus toward Lumban Raja-Bakara ....
    Do you have any referrence about this statement? I am coming from Manduams, I am interested in collection history of Manduamas. Can you share?
    Here is my emial address:
    Many thanks.

  2. This story as told by Mr. Sinambela (kampung) and from my father. More story/history (little information) about Raja Uti and his kingdom especially, please find in book Sadar Sibarani, "Raja Batak: Dari Sori mangaraja dan Tuanku Rao hingga Pasca I.L. Nommensen," Partano Bato, Jakarta 2006. Thks.
