Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dalihan Na Tolu

Dalihan na tolu (Image, 2010)
Dalihan na Tolu and Sihal-sihal (Image, 2010)

Dalihan na tolu is form of Batak kinship system. Dalihan are stones given o put the skillet in the fireplace, so dalihan na tolu means that three furnace, as a figurative symbol of the rules and attitudes Batak in everyday social relations and customs.

Dalihan na tolu consists of:
1. Hula-hula, the female family, the clan wife's family group;
2. Boru, is the male family clan as female recipients;
3. Dongan Sabutuha,  the same clan marga, the group that one clan (dongan = friend, sabutuha = one stomach)

"Somba marhulahula, elek marboru, manat mardongan tubu" (respect for the Hulahula, clever take Boru hearts, and can bring themselves to relatives). (Originally words: Somba, worship, respect; elek, persuade, manat, be careful).

To complement these three stones there is one additional stone set for balancing, if necessary, called sihal-sihal. So that full conception becomes, "Dalihan na tolu, paopathon sihal-sihal." Role of sihal- sihal can positioned by ale-ale (friends, colleagues), or also dongan sahuta (neighbor).

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